Owen Dearn


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  • Date Joined 10/20/2022 08:24:10
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Hi, my name is Owen Dearn and I am a Manager at 3Search. I'm leading and growing the Product Management recruitment team operating across North America. 

I specialize in recruiting for Product Owners all the way through to Chief Product Officers in North America. A large proportion of my work lies within the Financial Services, Technology and FinTech spaces, working with pre-seed businesses to publicly listed companies to identify top product talent. Taking the time to understand each business I work with, is something I really enjoy. Learning their nuances allows me to secure the best talent for each company I partner with. 

“The clients I work with and the people that I place are innovators and make a serious impact on revolutionizing their given industries. I think that’s pretty cool!” 

My top tip for those currently looking for a new role is: “Step outside your comfort zone. Because everything good happens on the other side of fear! And if you’re interviewing, make sure to be yourself. If someone doesn’t like that, they’re probably not right for you anyway (hang on, maybe that’s dating tips...). 

If you’re currently looking to hire into your product team, take the time to speak with industry specific recruiters who are specialists at what they do. It will save you time and money in the hiring process and make sure you find the right person. 


Looking for a new product recruit? Or looking for a new product management job? Get in touch! I’d love to hear from you. 

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