How to hire: What marketing and product recruitment will look like in 2023

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Are your marketing and product teams ready for 2023?With so much change in the world, busine...

Are your marketing and product teams ready for 2023?

With so much change in the world, businesses are taking the time to plan and strategize the structure of their business for the year ahead. To support employers in attracting, employing and retaining the best marketing and product staff in 2023, we have put together our hiring report.

Why should New York businesses plan their retention and attraction efforts in 2023?

The New York job market is unrecognizable this year compared to last. Organizations are now more concerned with the quality of skill sets, whereas previously they were focused on hiring as many individuals as possible to take advantage of the busy employment market. With in-demand skill sets and company needs constantly changing at present, keeping up to date with hiring trends, talent attraction and retention strategies is more crucial than ever before for businesses in New York.

Our expert employment consultants have shared their insights and predictions for 2023 hiring trends. This report includes everything from the skill sets that employers should be prioritizing, to the compensation packages New York employers should offer in order to attract and retain marketing and product talent.

Download our New York Hiring Report to receive all of this information and more:

Salary is becoming the deciding factor for New York professionals looking for a new marketing or product vacancy

While salary isn’t the only important factor for candidates looking for a new marketing or product job, it’s becoming more prevalent in the current economic climate where 2 in 5 US employees are struggling to meet basic needs. As a result, many professionals are reassessing their current income, considering the possibility of a pay rise or bonus and, if they do not receive the compensation they need, they will look to move.

New York employers are having to manage this more carefully in 2023, with the introduction of the Salary Transparency Law. This law makes it easier for professionals to compare their earnings with what is available on the market. In order to retain employees, it will be more important than ever before for employees to ensure that they’re regularly benchmarking salaries across marketing and product roles.

To support New York firms in their 2023 employment plans, our report covers all of the latest information around salary and bonuses. Our report covers expected salary bands and benefits across every marketing and product skill set, as well as how the new Salary Transparency Law will impact employers' hiring and retention efforts.

How we support New York businesses with their marketing and product recruitment plans

Having expanded our team by 75%, we are better equipped than ever before to support employers and candidates in their searches. We have grown our recruitment teams across our existing areas of expertise and broadened our talent-sourcing offerings by bringing on some true headhunting experts.  

Owen Dearn has joined 3Search to grow and develop our product management recruitment team, while Jason Goodwin has joined the team to specialize in product marketing recruitment. With the product skill set becoming increasingly important to the profitability of businesses of all shapes and sizes in America, investing in our knowledge of the product skill set allows us to further support our clients with all of their digital recruitment requirements.  

About 3Search

3Search is a specialist employment agency, supporting companies with their attraction, recruitment and retention efforts. Our team of employment consultants are specialists in marketing and product recruitment, providing seamless, efficient hiring processes for companies across America.

There is no standardized approach to recruitment, so be sure to get in touch for more personalized support with your recruitment planning for the year ahead.

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